Insight 21 October 2022

How can the latest technology keep our hospitals clean?


As the risks to patients, 在清洁不良的医疗环境中,访客和工作人员的感染和交叉污染更大, it goes without saying that rigorous hospital cleaning is vital. With an efficient, responsive and high-quality cleaning regime, operations, 治疗和咨询都可以在没有不必要的健康或安全危害风险的情况下进行. 

Using innovative technology can complement an existing cleaning regime

那么,技术在支持您的医疗团队和 keeping our hospitals clean, and who is best placed to help you make the most of what is available?  


使用先进的技术来配合现有的清洁制度,可以帮助确保达到和保持最高的消毒和消毒率. 现代清洁技术提供的实时洞察可以帮助您的清洁团队提高效率, while also reducing waste and optimising service delivery.   

Innovative robotic solutions, including robot vacuums and autonomous scrubber-driers, 改进的紫外线消毒系统和抗菌表面保护剂, 这只是先进技术将清洁提升到另一个水平的一些方式吗. 

传感器技术和物联网(IoT)在清洁行业的发展中发挥着重要作用. For example, 传感器技术可以监测一个区域的人流量,并提醒清洁团队确保该区域在需要时经常进行清洁. 该技术还可以用来提醒团队注意泄漏,以便在它们成为健康和安全危害之前采取行动.  

Mitie cleaning employee tapping his smart watch

传感器还可以通过提醒同事何时何地需要更换消耗品来帮助库存管理. Radio frequency ID (RFID) tags, linked to handheld devices, can monitor when areas have been cleaned, and for how long, 哪些可以帮助医疗团队确信卫生标准得到了维护. Mitie has been trialling the system with a major healthcare client


在Mitie,我们拥抱技术带来的机会,以加强医院清洁. Advanced cleaning technology is central to delivering our £30million cleaning services contract with the East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust. 我们在利斯特医院和赫特福德县医院引进的技术包括机器人洗衣机和监测公共场所人流量的传感器. Not only does the technology support the delivery of enhanced cleaning, 但它的使用也有助于减少水和能源消耗,并支持NHS信托基金实现净零排放的目标. 

Why choose Mitie as your hospital cleaning provider? 

Mitie是英国领先的医院清洁澳博官方网站提供商之一. 我们采用创新技术提供清洁解决方案,以适应客户不断变化的需求. This is a key element of our Science of Service

我们的承诺,先进的医院清洁可以体验到第一手在我们的 Cleaning and Hygiene Centre of Excellence在伯明翰,我们的客户可以一窥清洁行业的未来. At the Centre, you get to see the latest advances in technology and innovation, 我们有机会展示我们优秀的员工和卓越的运营. 

Mitie hospital cleaner mopping the floor in a corridor
Mitie has more than 30 years of experience in keeping hospitals clean

我们在医院清洁方面的成功建立在30多年的经验和与英国40多家NHS信托机构的合同之上. And all supported by more than 20,000名同事提供的澳博官方网站覆盖了该地区的每个角落. 

Keeping facilities clean for hospital users is a top priority. 我们完全符合NHS的清洁标准,我们的澳博官方网站通过严格的检查程序进行审查. 我们屡获殊荣的培训设施获得了英国清洁科学研究所(BICSc)的认可。, which means our cleaning personnel are trained to the highest level. Our teams are also supported by a specialist Infection Control Advisor, 谁确保我们跟上最新的清洁指导和技术. 

Contact us now to see how Mitie can support your hospital’s cleaning requirements. 

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