Case study 11 May 2023


在英国,只有3%的汽车是插电式的, we really need to pick up the pace if we’re to meet the UK government’s target of zero emissions on all vehicles by the end of 2027.

还有很长的路要走,但是组织, of all sizes, 是否正在加紧应对转向电动汽车所带来的挑战.

At a recent briefing, 由Mitie在伦敦碎片大厦举办, industry leaders from the public and private sector gathered to share their challenges and hear from organisations at different stages in their EV journeys.

Prad Pandit, Energy Director, 欢迎我们的客人来到碎片大厦参加向电动车队过渡的活动

Two key speakers, from Defra and Platform Housing Group, provided refreshingly honest and insightful accounts of the challenges they’ve faced and overcome in their transition to EV. They were joined by a panel of Mitie’s in-house experts and suppliers for a lively discussion with the audience.

Here are some of the key takeaways.


Defra房地产集团项目经理, Jason Ryan一直积极参与Defra向电动汽车的过渡. He admitted that at the start of their journey the fleet managers were mainly focused on the finding the vehicles, 而物业团队则专注于如何让它们保持充电和运行. As a result, the 对所需的充电基础设施进行初步规划 并没有想象中那么协调. He said, “We essentially used what we could to charge what we had and developed the charging strategy in parallel.“这种情况对许多组织来说都很熟悉.

Jason said, “We learned a lot in the first few phases of our EV journey and if I could give one piece of advice to organisations at the start of theirs, it would be to take your time. 不要着急——花点时间了解需要什么. Look at the vehicle telematics. 他们会帮你勾勒出你需要什么样的基础设施, where, and what charging speeds you’ll need, when.

“当我们刚开始与Mitie合作时, 发展我们的充电基础设施, 他们首先要的是数据. 他们用它来建立一个基于实际旅程的图片, distances travelled, 车辆停在哪里,停了多久. It took the guesswork out of what infrastructure was needed and the ongoing data analysis backs up our strategic decisions for what we’ll need in the future. 我们现在有了我们需要的证据来确保我们在正确的地方安装了充电器, charging at the right speeds, and at the right times.”

Plan for EV well in advance

Although it may seem obvious, plan well ahead to allow for vehicle delivery and infrastructure lead times and work with suppliers to minimise delays.

来自Defra的客座演讲者Jason Ryan分享了他的组织的电动汽车转型
我们的一位来自Defra的演讲嘉宾Jason Ryan分享了他的电动汽车之旅

如果你在公共部门工作,你就会知道招标需要多长时间. 但是您还需要考虑安装过程和时间表, and the extra work and time to onboard your new provider and migrate back-office operations so that everything aligns.

如果你的房地产投资组合包括租赁的建筑物, work with landlords early on to get approvals to install charging infrastructure on their property. You can almost guarantee that two things that will take the most time are negotiating leases and getting everything in place to install the chargers.


Matt Neale是平台房屋集团的舰队和移动澳博官方网站主管. The organisation has a fleet of around 550 light commercial vehicles and more than 600 employees. 相比之下,Defra拥有近1600辆汽车和超过25000名员工. Both speakers agreed that when it comes to EV it proved important to get staff involved as early as possible.

Matt said, “Our fleet strategy included EV, with an initial goal to decarbonise by 2026 but we didn’t realise how complicated it would be. We were offered 40 electric transit vans early on in our journey then quickly realised we had nowhere to charge them! Also, there was initial resistance from staff who were just presented with the vehicles without consultation. We worked with Mitie to improve our EV transition journey including stakeholder management. An important part of that was to engage with our drivers first and get ambassadors to help spread the word internally. 当我们重新调查我们的司机时,我们得到了积极得多的回应.”

Engagement goes beyond the obvious stakeholders like your drivers, FM, energy and property teams. Matt finished by saying, “engaging with all stakeholders, including policy, health and safety, finance and procurement, and internal communications, makes the process easier. 从一开始就这样做,你可以避免回溯和延误.”


Some organisations that adopted charging infrastructure early on may now find that their legacy hardware isn’t compatible with the latest software.

当你考虑安装充电基础设施时, 考虑它的未来用途以及当前的需求. The hardware is important, but the software is critical, and you’re likely to have a long-term relationship with your software provider as they continually develop their solution. Your suppliers can help make sure the software will support and future-proof your infrastructure as you transition your fleet.

Future challenges and opportunities

Vehicle availability

有些东西还没准备好. For example, some larger vehicles are not available as EVs yet, and may not be for a while. In the UK, there are no plans, in the next two to three years, 制造4×4电动汽车,可以承载3.5吨或更多而不耗尽电池. As a result, some flexibility will be needed for some vehicle types when it comes to government targets and executing your EV strategy.

This might concern your service or property teams if they need to transport heavy equipment, 因此,尽早与他们接触,同时找到最佳解决方案.

Panel of experts at The Shard for an event on corporate transitioning to an electric fleet
Our panel of EV experts (L-R Matt Dale, Mitie, Head of Transport Consultancy; Lester Evelyn, ChargePoint, Head of Channel Partnerships; Gareth Sutcliff, Mitie, EV BD Director; Emma Chetwynd Jarvis, Rock Power Connections, EV Charging Director; Mark Ford-Powell, Defra, Fleet Manager – Planning and Performance; Matt Neale, Platform Housing Group, Head of Fleet and MaaS; Alex Avila, Mitie, Plan Zero Development Director

Secure data sharing

Data is big business and organisations are understandably concerned about the potential security risks for data shared between their EVs and charging stations. 有不同的收费方式, 在“点一下就走”的场景中,司机无需登录就可以充电, to more secure solutions that use RFID (radio-frequency ID) technology to authorise a charge.

重要的是要选择一个系统,为您的驱动程序提供一系列的选项, with smart authorisation when needed, 并提供你需要的操作数据. Also, make sure that you select a supplier that has the required security compliance and meets your data requirements.

Consolidated and connected solutions

There are many solutions, like charging apps, 哪一个支持商业和公共充电基础设施, 但是它们是在不同的环境中管理的. Industry consultation will be needed to consolidate solutions into a simpler ecosystem that also aids strategic planning.

Also, 需要将充电基础设施与第三方系统连接起来, 比如建筑管理系统和车队管理平台, 生态系统内的连通性将变得越来越重要. The technology that can bring all of that together will be key to developing a truly joined-up solution.

Monetising the quiet times

It’s unlikely that many organisations will find their chargers in constant use by employees, visitors and customers. 有合适的安全系统, regular periods of inactivity could present the perfect opportunity to generate revenue by opening up your ultra rapid charging hubs to the public. There will also be potential for providing secure charging spaces for blue light service vehicles that can’t stop just anywhere.

How to get ahead with EV

At Mitie, 我们致力于为子孙后代保护我们的星球, and a huge part of that is helping the world transition to EVs. And we practice what we preach. 事实上,我们已经把几乎一半的车队都换成了电动汽车. That’s 3,000 pure electric vehicles on the road, 每年可节省约15英镑,000 tonnes of CO2.

Our specialists in EV charge points, infrastructure and software solutions, 正在帮助领先的组织向电动车队过渡吗. If you need help with consultancy, solution design, build and installation, data insights, technology acquisition, ongoing maintenance, or financing, 我们随时准备讨论您的选择,让您的组织进入电动汽车的快车道.

How can we help?

If you’re looking for more information, 需要与某人谈论查询或想要谈论您的澳博官方网站需求, then you’ve come to the right place.

